Saturday, January 29, 2005

Bloggers In the Mist (Or At Least At the Royal Oak)

Last night I had the opportunity to attend the Elite Blog Mafia AGM (though I think it should be more than annual--quarterly perhaps?) in Ottawa.

The Royal Oak II pub, where the meeting took place, is a small cozy establishment just outside the main campus of the University of Ottawa. I got there late (had a little trouble with parking), and it wasn't until a pint of Boddington's later that I realized that the table in the window had a little Red Ensign as a decoration--a sure sign of Bloggers in these parts. (I think a bigger banner would be a good idea.) Ah, well; better late than never. I went over and introduced myself to the following fellow bloggers:

This is Shannon Davis, who organized our little get-together. She's toasting Warren Kinsella in this pose. I'm still not quite clear on why.

Seated beside Shannon here is the Red Ensign Brigadier known as The Canadian Slacker, he of the occasional posting in The Red Ensign Standard.

And the thoughtful man beside the Slacker is fellow Brigadier Keith, the Minority of One.

Two other Ottawa bloggers were at the meeting. The one on the left is Blair Hansen, who operates the blog Italics Mine. And the amused fella on the right is Bruce Gottfried of Autonomous Source.

I had a great time, myself. I'd like to thank the attendees for letting me photograph them (since it's my 40th birthday today, I'd indulged myself by purchasing a new digital camera), and I hope we can get together again soon.