Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Pack of Librano Jokers Is Growing ...

... that is, my proposed Card Deck of Jokers is growing. Already I've got contributions from Les of Spider-Man's Web and Classic of Classic Quarters. By all means, please keep the suggestions coming. (You can see the deck listing here; I'll be constantly updating this as suggestions come in.)

I'd really, really like to get the full deck of 52 up and running by Election Night. (If I can get it done by Christmas, I'll be able to get artwork for the deck up on the blog by New Year's Day.)

By the by, on my page the "Post a Comment" link is run by Blogspot, while the "Comments" link is HaloScan (I haven't quite figured out how to fix this bug yet). What this means is that if you "Post a Comment", your comment will still appear if you click the "Post a Comment" link, but the count won't appear in the "Comments" link, since it only counts Haloscan-posted commentary. However, I will get e-mail notification of your comment. So don't worry, I always read and welcome your comments, and I'll try to re-post them in the original blog entry.